Question: Are we the ghosts to ghosts?
Answers: Maybe? We exist on a different frequency or plane/dimension. Perhaps we're as apparitions to them as we are. Question: Does telling a spirit they can leave actually work? Answers: Perhaps, but who says they will obey? If a ghost is conscious / intelligent wouldn't they have already tried to leave? Question: "Go into the light!" Answer: Does telling a ghost to go into the light mean they didn't think of doing it until they were told?
Question: Do poltergeists try to hurt us?
Answer: Maybe, but I believe it's a question of force vs matter, intent vs desire vs contact. Maybe the ghost tried to move something and used more energy than was needed to move the object. Not all ghosts are poltergeists? Why? Strongest in life has no impact after death as the physical is gone. Must a spirit be "strong willed in life to carry that strength in death"? Question: Are ghosts evil? Demons? I believe people can be Good - Bad and Evil, therefore Spirits can be Good - Bad and Evil. I think Demons are extremely rare (Demons are not the same as dark entities), there is darkness in people in life so why not in death? Question: Can you choose to haunt after death? Answer: Yes and no, if there's an emotional connection to a person or a place? Question: Are all ghosts strong willed? Answer: No, I'm not sure how someone chooses to be a ghost. Is it a refusal to enter the light? I don't think they are refused. I don't know if "Hell" exists but the light is said to be a gateway regardless. Question: Do ghosts haunt a location or are they present after someone has left? Answer: Free will to remain here? We've seen cases where ghosts have remained long after a structure has been removed and land redeveloped. Question: What if we never actually speak to ghosts? Answer: They are just there and our paths cross but don't interact on an intelligent level. Question: Are ghosts really detectable by an EM reading? Catballs? Rempods? Answer: If we are all "energy" and in death that energy is no longer contained does it remain in one place? We know it takes time for energy to dissipate. Question: Can a ghost grow stronger or weaker after death? Answer: One can never achieve the death of the physical strength they had in life because the physical being is gone. Question: Is all American soil haunted by ancient indians and burial grounds? Answer: No. The claim in a video of a specific location once beint "ancient indian land" is not unique, all of the US was once "indian land" Question: Why are dark spirits attracted to abandoned locations?
Answer: - original location (home) gone and spirit becomes transient - location is abandoned and unlikely to be reoccupied, it becomes a place of solitude and reflection for lost spirits - the location is energized by local geography and may contain a portal or vortex. Bible talks about gathering of lost spirits Question: Pantheism? Answer: The doctrine that everyone is God, in contradistinction to the doctrine that God is everything. ~The Devil's Dictionary Ambrose Bierce Question: Can you see or feel things in people just walking past them? Answer: Yes and no, sometimes. I've been able to identify bad people by the "auras" they give off. Question: Do poltergeists try to hurt us? Answer: Maybe, force vs matter, intent vs desire vs contact Question: Do ghosts walk through walls?
Answer: Some theories say ghosts follow a route that existed before, but in cases where this is not possible then they'd be walking through walls. I don't think they are bound by physical laws so, to them, a wall doesn't exist as a barrier. Question: What happens to energy immediately after death? Answer: They theory is that energy starts strong and degrades over time. Question: Do evil actions in life condemn a spirit in death? Answers: best reference is "What Dreams May Come" movie, create one's own personal Hell? Question: Is earthbound travel attached to the living being, at the will of the spirit of the living individual? Answer: Is a human susceptible to possession or attachment? Yes. Question: Do animals have souls?
Answer: Cats are on the line between; does domesticity qualify for a soul? I don't know if animals have a "soul" so much as a "life force" or "energy force". Question: Can spirits verbally interact with the living through recordings and white noise? Answer: Perhaps? Voice is a frequency, therefore if ghosts do exist and have the capability to manipulate energy/electrical frequencies it's conceivable. This would assume that interactive communication requires intelligence. Question: Do we talk directly with the dead? Answer: The only way to talk directly would be if ghosts are intelligent and have the ability to create the frequencies required for speech to be audible. Question: Are intelligent spirits who occupy one living plane trapped here or consciously present? Answer: Both. It seems that ghosts can be present regardless of the length of time passed. Question: What motivates a ghost to remain? Answer: It seems the prevailing theory is intense emotion / connection to a person or place. Question: Do ghosts only come out at night? Answers: Quieter, dark, nothing to deter day hunts, becomes easier to detect anomalies. Question: In a rain storm does a ghost get wet? Answers: No, it has no physical form. Therefore "holy water" will have no effect on it. Question: Have you ever talked to a dead celebrity?
Answer: Not that I'm aware of, I've made no attempt to either. I don't consider such contact to be legitimate. If these people didn't associate with you in real life why would they in death? Question: If I visit several mediums will they all see the same things in me? Answer: No, their words are like their own interpretations of the vision influence by their own experiences. Different mediums is like the same show but through different channels with different commercials during the breaks. Question: Is it better the know the future or wait and see? Answer: I believe paths are pre-destined, it's not always better to see this. If you know what is coming you quickly lose the desire to live. Question: Anything you don't believe in? Answer: false prophets, end of the world, absolutes, numerology, astrology, people who fake/stage paranormal videos and try to pass them off as legitimate. Question: Are fake paranormal investigation channels bad? Answer: Bad if they don't identify as "for entertainment purposes only" but good for exposing new ways things are faked. Let's face it, whether the video is real, fake, or staged, these phrases being said by ghost hunters are getting on our nerves. Updated: September 2, 2023. "Did you hear that?" <nope!>
"I'll be honest." <no, please, lie to me!> "This is probably a bad idea..." <does it anyway> "There was an exorcism performed here." <sure!> "I don't like Ouija boards..." <uses the ouija board> "The entire land surrounding this house is cursed." "I never seen anything like that." "This is the scariest video we've ever made." "I don't respond to the rubbish... here's my thoughts..." "I got a bad feeling about coming here." "There was so much activity while I was filming B-roll (during the walk-thru)" <none of which was caught on video?> "All of these clips are explainable." "I did a little bit of research." "A lot of people have told me this..." "That's the craziest evidence I've ever seen!" "that's weird." "I couldn't prepare myself for what was about to happen." "I told myself I wasn't going to do this." <as they get ready to do it> "I'm going to use these noise cancelling headphones. I can't hear a thing when I'm wearing them." <does anyone who watches ghost hunting or gaming or livestreaming videos still not know how noise cancelling headphones work?> "They say that mirrors are portals." "That had to be the weirdest ... I've ever had" <experience, estes method, spirit box session> "The battery is drained?! It's a new battery!" <or "everything was charged 100% before the investigation!"> I composed the following account concerning the night when we encountered a malevolent presence in the vicinity of the southern foothills of Nordegg, Alberta. My recollection of the events is accompanied by insights shared by my friend Greg, with whom I engaged in correspondence regarding that particular night.
In the late winter of 2017, I found myself residing in Nordegg, Alberta, a quaint town-site situated roughly thirty minutes east of the Rocky Mountains—a home I had occupied since my relocation to Alberta in 2013. Nordegg, Alberta is characterized by its segmentation into four distinct sectors. The historical coal mine facilities and grounds, overseen by Clearwater County and the Province of Alberta, are off-limits to the general public. The ghost town, alternatively referred to as Brazeau (in honor of its erstwhile ownership by Brazeau Collieries), comprises nearly a dozen dilapidated structures left to neglect. The contemporary town-site encompasses a blend of townhouses, trailer homes, assorted businesses, a museum, a motel, and a gas station. Finally, to the north, on the opposing side of Highway 11, lies a resort precinct containing seasonal residences. Notably, Nordegg, Alberta bears the historical legacy of a devastating coal mine explosion on October 31, 1941, claiming the lives of thirty-two miners. Despite the profound impact on the community of 800, mining operations resumed within six weeks of the tragedy, persisting for an additional decade. On an evening during this season, I found myself in the company of a friend named Greg, positioned along the street south of my residence. Our mutual appreciation for outdoor activities led us to frequently embark on hikes along the defunct railway routes above the ghost town. As the clock neared 10 pm, we opted to embark on a walk towards the disused Main Street section. It's worth noting that Greg had formed an attachment with a stray cat that frequented his vicinity, often visiting the front porch where it was fed cat kibble from the local general store. Spanning an isolated location, Nordegg, Alberta is situated southeast of the juncture between David Thompson Highway 11 and the 734 Forestry Trunk Road. Encompassed by an expansive wilderness inhabited by bears, wolves, coyotes, and cougars, the region is one where the prudent storage of items such as knives, bear spray, or firearms is customary. Thus, as we ventured into the darkened hills on our hike, it was imperative that both my friend and I were adequately equipped to address any potential challenges. Our trajectory led us up the street, aiming for a remote Y intersection roughly a quarter of the way into the foothills extending behind the town. The night, characterized by partial cloud cover, lent moderate illumination that allowed for visibility up to a distance of approximately fifty meters. The stray cat—a short-haired tabby—opted to accompany us on this walk. Accustomed to outdoor pursuits, the feline traversed a distance of ten to fifteen meters ahead of us, adopting an irregular zigzag path across the road. The cat occasionally paused, exhibiting curiosity towards the weeds lining the road's periphery, occasionally engaging in playful swats at insects stirred from the untamed grass. Several minutes into our journey, we approached the vicinity of the road intersection. Without warning, the cat altered its course to position itself within a mere meter of our location. It was evident that the feline had detected a presence or disturbance in the darkness, prompting this unusual proximity. Within the dimly illuminated landscape, I could discern the slender trunks of trees and the wild shrubbery adorning the triangular parcel of land demarcated by the intersecting dirt and gravel roads. Notably, our flashlights, while possessing considerable luminosity, failed to pierce the expanses of darkness beyond their direct focus, leaving a significant region enveloped in shadow. Amid the gnarled foliage, an area of pronounced darkness materialized—a manifestation devoid of specific form or contour. Reflecting on this phenomenon, I recollected a maxim I had coined at the time: "interrogate the shadows in the clarity of day, but harbor trepidation for the shadows shrouded in nocturnal obscurity." In unison, Greg and I experienced an uncanny sensation—a shared sentiment that Greg later articulated during a conversation on Facebook. As he conveyed, "There was definitely something wrong that night. That was freaky as hell." Concurring with this assessment, I can only elaborate on the experience as one infused with a pervasive aura of darkness—an unsettling ambience suggesting the presence of an entity observing from the shadows. We remained stationary, gazing in silence at the indistinct focal point, while the cat steadfastly maintained its proximity. Whether the feline's actions denoted a cautionary alert or an analogous disquiet, I cannot definitively ascertain. Although I harbored no fear of an unexpected human presence lurking in the vicinity, owing to the armed vigilance maintained by both my friend and me, the ensuing minutes were marked by introspection as we endeavored to rationalize the encounter. Despite our concerted attempts to attribute the phenomenon to a mundane explanation—whether a living being or an animal—no concrete evidence surfaced in support of either hypothesis. As Greg reminisced, "I kept my pistol in my hand for the rest of the way." Having eliminated the prospect of encountering a predator or a human intruder, we resumed our expedition, continuing our journey up the road towards the historical Main Street of the ghost town. The cat, apparently more at ease, reverted to its carefree manner, meandering away from our path. To circumvent traversing the same stretch of road twice, we selected an alternate route for our descent. As Greg appraised the draft of this article, he expressed a sentiment I concur with: "I did not feel safe until we passed by the creepy ass cemetery." Our experience during that fateful night remains indelibly etched in our memories, persistently vivid even three years thereafter. Evidently, the event remains eminently unforgettable. Over time, I intend to share additional accounts of the peculiar occurrences that transpired in Nordegg, including anecdotes recounted by local residents and co-workers alike. I commenced the operational activities for the business day by opening the store. A few hours into the work shift, the first signs of unusual occurrences materialized. On this early morning, I found myself laboring in solitude—a norm for this particular phase of the day. This circumstance deviated from the established routine, as the regular incumbent of the early shift was absent due to vacation commitments.
Somewhere around eight o'clock that morning, my attention was drawn while stationed near the front counter, as I discerned what seemed to be a faint sound emanating from the sales floor. Temporarily halting my tasks to discern the origin of this auditory stimulus, I perceived silence upon the second listening attempt. Consequently, I continued with my administrative duties, resuming my efforts to complete pending paperwork. Approximately ten minutes elapsed before a sudden and distinct thud resonated from an aisle just beyond my field of view. The noise resembled an object toppling onto the floor. Proceeding towards the source of this sound, I encountered a box of liquid cold medicine resting on the ground. Importantly, my isolated presence within the store was undeniable during this interval. Recollection serves that only a solitary individual had entered the store in nearly three hours, and their whereabouts were distinctly removed from the vicinity of the affected aisle. Despite my inability to visually corroborate the occurrence, my confidence in what I had heard remained unshaken—a certainty compounded by the box's sudden presence on the floor. Returning the displaced box to its designated shelf, I returned to the front counter, now beyond eight-thirty. As my next task, I elected to undertake the cleaning of the restrooms, a chore slated to be completed before the commencement of the mid-shift at eleven. Navigating to the hallway accommodating the restrooms, a peculiar sensation—an impression of a presence—came over me. It's crucial to underscore that despite this instinctive feeling, I was unequivocally the sole human inhabitant within the premises. Choosing to dismiss this sensation, I concentrated on hastening through the unsavory task at hand. My endeavor commenced without the use of gloves. Employing a cleaning solution and paper towels, I executed a rapid cleaning regimen. The cleaner I employed was not unfamiliar, having never previously elicited any adverse physical effects upon me. Interestingly, the cleaning agent I employ in my personal domicile's bathroom exhibits a more potent aroma and consequential effect, notwithstanding my unaffected exposure to it. Throughout this brief duration, which spanned less than five minutes, I refrained from touching my hands or arms. Subsequently, I conducted a rigorous handwashing at the main sink before returning to the front counter. While stationed there, ruminations surfaced regarding the perceived presence during my restroom cleaning excursion. A mental image materialized—an apparition of a young girl, possibly aged five or six, standing at approximately four feet in height. The child exhibited short, dirty blonde hair framing a visage characterized by its small, rounded countenance devoid of expression. At around eleven o'clock, my colleague—a young woman—assumed her mid-shift responsibilities. Engaged in conversation at the counter, our exchange transpired before she directed her attention towards my arm. Questioning what transpired, she pointed towards my left arm, revealing three distinct red marks positioned just above my wrist. My response was characterized by genuine confusion, as I failed to recollect any occurrence that might have prompted these marks. Taking my smartphone, I promptly captured an image of these marks, with a shared observation that their configuration bore resemblance to finger impressions. The markings were manifest as red-hued imprints on the skin, their texture slightly rough to the touch, evoking a sensation akin to mild abrasion, akin to frostbite, devoid of any discernible temperature fluctuations. Despite these effects, the markings persisted for a couple of days, prompting me to apply medicated salve upon returning home. Upon contemplation, it has since become apparent that the presence and experiences encountered could be attributed to the manifestation of a spirit—a hypothesis supported by the consideration that the young girl perceived was perhaps a previous resident of the town. Evincing a playful demeanor characteristic of children, it is reasonable to infer that her actions were driven by mischievous intent rather than malevolence. Within this context, the notion arises that the objective behind these interactions was merely to establish a connection and presence, without harboring any intention to inflict harm. Ultimately, the phenomenon appears aligned with the realm of the paranormal, though my interpretation remains open to interpretation. In recounting the following UFO/UAP incident, it's pertinent to contextualize my youth—approximately twelve years of age at the time—since this perspective may inform your reading of the narrative, a consideration that still holds relevance.
During this period, my residence was situated in Chesley, Ontario, occupying a corner lot adjacent to the eastern boundary of the town, proximate to the community center. My childhood bedroom, perched on the second floor, was graced with two windows affording a northern view of the night sky. The vista from my room extended beyond the neighboring houses, encompassing the street beyond. Notably, a solitary and towering pine tree punctuated this expanse, demarcating a point of reference approximately ten o'clock from my vantage position. The temporal setting for this incident was a late summer evening, the sun having recently set and the atmosphere still aglow with residual twilight—a moment I'd approximate to be past eleven o'clock at night. Lying in repose, I inadvertently chanced upon the appearance of a luminous anomaly. Manifesting as a horizontal movement, the light proceeded to linger in the airspace adjacent to the aforementioned pine tree. In retrospect, I conjecture that the light source was situated at a distance spanning over half a kilometer, corresponding to at least halfway across town. This incandescent source exhibited a pure and brilliant white hue, akin to the landing light of an aircraft, though devoid of any additional chromatic components. For a duration of approximately one minute, this potential craft remained suspended, exhibiting silence in its bearing. During this interval, the faint reverberation of an aircraft-like engine reached my auditory perception, originating from a distance that could not be attributed to the luminous presence in question. This audio accompaniment is not likely to be attributed to the craft for reasons I shall elucidate. Subsequently, the light embarked upon a vertical ascent, eventually disappearing from view beyond the visual plane defined by our residence's rooftop. Addressing the likelihood of this occurrence being a conventional aircraft, several pertinent considerations emerge. First and foremost, the auditory cues notwithstanding, nocturnal commercial aircraft traversing our locale typically maintained altitudes of ten thousand feet or higher. Furthermore, it remains incongruous with the operational capacities of the overwhelming majority of aircraft—ninety-nine percent of such vehicles—to execute a vertical ascent akin to the observed trajectory. While I pondered the potential for the presence to be that of a helicopter, I acknowledged that helicopters exhibit distinctive sonic profiles that diverge notably from those of airplanes. Furthermore, the geographical context of our town scarcely positioned us as an epicenter of law enforcement activities, rendering the employment of helicopters, even by the police, an improbable scenario. It is worth underscoring that, to the present day, I am disinclined to definitively categorize this luminous occurrence as extraterrestrial in origin. Notwithstanding, it unequivocally classifies as an unidentified flying object (UFO) or, in contemporary parlance, an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), as documented within my personal records. To date, my life has borne witness to merely two instances wherein I personally encountered UFOs/UAPs. While I acknowledge the likelihood of additional such occurrences transpiring, my attentiveness to celestial observations has waned since the advent of the year 2000, influenced by the substantial presence of satellites and human-generated debris permeating the celestial canvas. UFO over Nordegg On the evening of August 31, 2015, a routine ambiance enveloped Nordegg, Alberta. Engaged in the closing shift at the local general store, I had just returned from a brief errand to the nearby hotel where I conducted our paperwork. In keeping with my customary habit, I directed my gaze skyward during my stroll, a practice informed by the year-long familiarity I had cultivated with the array of satellites, space debris, and high-altitude aircraft that adorned the night firmament. Given our elevated location, satellites frequently manifested with a luminosity akin to that of conventional aircraft. Among these, one particular satellite traversed the heavens in a habitual trajectory, attaining its brightest magnitude as it approached the mountainous horizon. At a distance of about twenty meters from the store, an unusual sight captured my attention in the eastern expanse of the sky. An incandescent orange light materialized, its trajectory directed resolutely westward. Initially reminiscent of a landing plane's beacon due to its intense brilliance, the light, bearing an orange hue akin to that of a streetlamp, oscillated with a perceptible flicker akin to flames. Progressing toward the town, the light embarked upon a gradual semicircular turn southwards, subsequently altering its course eastwards before vanishing into the overcast veil of clouds. Subsequent to the light's vanishing act, I proceeded back into the store, diligently completed my closing duties, and eventually commenced my journey homeward. Upon returning to my residence, I initiated an internet search in an endeavor to fathom a plausible explanation for the enigmatic sighting. Several potential explanations were promptly discounted. The absence of sound and conventional aircraft lighting served to eliminate airplanes and helicopters from contention. Subsequently, I deliberated the possibility of military drones. However, upon researching known military bases equipped with drones, I ascertained that the closest such installation, Winnipeg's CFB Winnipeg, bore geographical limitations that negated the possibility of a return flight from the mountainous terrain. Additionally, the distinctive illumination exhibited by drones and conventional aircraft did not align with the observable characteristics of the phenomenon. A remote consideration involved the notion of a hot air balloon, although this proposition was also scrutinized and ultimately discarded. While sharing certain flight traits with the observed phenomenon, the luminous orange shimmer that typifies hot air balloons in flight would invariably extend to illuminate the balloon structure itself. Furthermore, the heightened fuel burn required to animate a hot air balloon is commonly accompanied by an audible roaring or whooshing sound, a feature absent in this case. It's crucial to note that hot air balloons rarely embark on nocturnal flights from elevated locales towards mountainous landscapes, a fact accentuating the implausibility of such an explanation. In the subsequent investigative process, alternatives such as Chinese lanterns, as well as smaller aircraft like gliders and ultralights, were evaluated and subsequently discarded, culminating in the singular category that remained unassailable—UFO/UAP. Further exploration yielded a parallel UFO/UAP report from Winnipeg that very night. Although the specific calculations elude my memory, a certain resonance in their description of the sighting lent credence to a substantial congruence between the two accounts. Even with the convergence of corroborative testimonies, including those from on-the-ground witnesses within Nordegg, I steadfastly retain my designation of this incident as an encounter with a UFO/UAP. This classification persists despite a subsequent encounter with a host of analogous accounts dispersed throughout North America, many sharing resemblances with or closely mirroring my own experience. Similar eyewitness accounts: Initially, the term "sleep paralysis" is characterized as a phenomenon wherein one confronts a state of wakefulness interwoven with elements of anxiety and hallucinatory experiences. Notably, during my early adolescence, precisely around the age of thirteen, the term itself remained unfamiliar to me. Furthermore, my initial experiences with nocturnal disturbances, which could retrospectively be classified as "nightmares," only commenced at the juncture of eighteen years of age. However, it is worth clarifying that these early unsettling dreams did not evoke a strong sense of fear either during their occurrence or upon awakening.
In recounting a specific episode of sleep paralysis, the narrative unfolds as follows: I perceived a wakeful emergence during slumber—an occurrence that conforms to the conventional definition of sleep paralysis. In this state, I found myself in an upright position within my bed, albeit incapacitated from engaging any voluntary movement involving my arms, legs, or torso. My head and neck retained a limited degree of mobility, revealing a sight that instigated a compelling rationale for my immobility. Positioned at the foot of my bed, a misty and nebulous white form materialized. Although devoid of a definitive shape, the entity's height was reminiscent of that of a child. A mutual exchange of observation appeared to transpire for a fleeting span before the apparition executed a leftward trajectory, traversing the expanse from the dresser's vantage point and eventually departing my room through the doorway. Subsequent to this, a momentary luminous flash registered within my peripheral vision emanating from the window to my right. Nevertheless, had this illuminative occurrence outside my window remained absent, my investigation into the matter might have furnished a plausible explanation, albeit one that subsequently falls short of accommodating all requisite parameters. In the realm of plausibility, our residence stood situated half a block away from a thoroughfare characterized by the convergence of three streets, forming a modest incline. Theoretical conjecture postulated that the headlights of vehicles ascending two of these inclines might cast illumination upon the side of our abode. While initially conceivable, nearly two years of dedicated observation progressively eroded the credibility of this hypothesis. Two key factors dispelled the likelihood of vehicular involvement: firstly, the visual obstruction presented by numerous leafy trees positioned between the hill and our domicile (acknowledging the potential exception during the winter months when foliage receded); secondly, the impracticability of headlight angles to engender the observed phenomenon—a phenomenon involving a white light form situated below four feet. This position was manifestly unattainable given the elevation of the headlights, positioned a floor below and spanning a distance exceeding one hundred feet. Comprehensive scrutiny of this matter prompted a comprehensive reevaluation of the proposed headlight theory. Theoretical conceptions necessitated the light beams to traverse the midpoint of the ceiling, originating from the rightward window and culminating at the leftward door—a course of light at variance with its observed trajectory. This assessment underscored that, for the light source to manifest at a level below the window sill, it would necessitate being elevated above the window ledge, positioned at a distance exceeding one hundred feet. The discernible movement of this luminous entity distinctly exuded a semblance of purpose. Its presence endured sufficiently to afford a palpable awareness and to execute movements that remained resistant to plausible yet remote explanations. However, despite this profound experience, subject to the inherent limitations of repeatable observations, I am inclined to attribute this incident to the hallucinogenic effects emblematic of sleep paralysis, as opposed to an interaction with a paranormal entity. Nevertheless, this particular occurrence unveiled a perceptual doorway to the realm of transient spirits—a conceptualization of ethereal beings untethered to specific locales or corporeal forms, instead traversing our terrestrial plane either at random or spurred by cognitive intent. This very concept found endorsement through subsequent literary exploration and cinematic narratives depicting wandering spirits adrift within the nocturnal skies—disembodied entities in search of a home. During the previous night, I encountered a dream that depicted me situated amidst a scene of distinct character. Positioned at a metallic café table gracing the front lawn of a Victorian domicile, I found myself immersed in an environment that had undergone transformation, evolving into a modest bistro establishment. Within my dream's context, I ascertained a sense of geographical familiarity as I recognized the appellation of a nearby beach located several blocks northward. The architectural entity in question was nestled upon a tree-lined avenue, while a river flowed serenely parallel to the thoroughfare on its opposing flank.
The verdant expanse wherein I was ensconced bore witness to the presence of two commanding maple trees, their stature dominating the space above. Adjacent to this locale, a supplementary parcel housed a pair of maples, albeit with trunks of a slightly diminished diameter—a characteristic indicative, perhaps, of their comparatively recent introduction, possibly dating back a couple of decades. A cursory analysis of the architectural composition revealed a dwelling spanning two stories with an attic space, thereby aligning it with the classification of either a two-and-a-half or three-story structure. The edifice, composed of time-worn red brick, featured an ornate round porch extending from its left flank, oriented toward the side thoroughfare. A lengthier indoor porch, embellished with six-paned windows, adorned the side facing our vantage point, spanning approximately two-thirds of the facade's rightward terminus. Access to this porch necessitated an ascent of four to six steps, leading to an entrance that had been subject to renovation, resulting in a capacious interior portal into the house. Notably, an internal dining area occupied a place within the domicile, an aspect intuited rather than visually confirmed during the course of the dream. A matter of intrigue materialized across the river, wherein the downtown nucleus lay in proximity. Noteworthy was the measured spacing between the red brick structures composing the urban fabric. This arrangement allowed my gaze to extend unobstructed across the principal street to a vacant expanse situated opposite. This observation proved incongruent with my familiar understanding of the downtown core, characterized by tightly aligned edifices and an absence of standalone structures flanking the riverside of the main thoroughfare. Facilitating our dining experience was a waitress embodying a youthful countenance, her physique characterized by a svelte demeanor. Shoulder-length chestnut hair framed her friendly visage, adorned by a crisply pressed white dress shirt paired with a black skirt. In the course of her duties, I extended an invitation for her to join our table, a gesture she eventually accepted while fulfilling her service obligations. Seated across from me was a male presence, the particulars of whose identity remained indistinct. He assumed a passive role, intermittently engaging in our discourse, although his attentions frequently wandered, drawing him towards the foliage and the thoroughfare situated to his right. A subsequent observation within this ethereal tableau revealed the presence of two elderly women occupying a neighboring table, situated in closer proximity to a meandering path extending from the domicile's entrance. Curiously, the stability of our table, established upon the grassy lawn, defied rational explanation, yet a notion persisted that its secure positioning owed itself to underlying pins within its base. This seemingly improbable foundation contrasted with the adjustable nature of the chairs, which exhibited an equitable distribution of weight. Characterized by three chairs apiece, each table contributed to a coherent ensemble. The waitress assumed a position at my right flank, engendering an opportunity for further conversation. Through this dialogue, I gleaned her appellation, denoted by the initials EAW. Our discourse traversed a spectrum of topics, including discussions concerning the influx of summer tourism and my occupation within the realm of the third, or perhaps second, most frequented tourist haven within the regional domain. Regrettably, the course of conversation was left incomplete, truncated by the incursion of my awakening. Around December of the preceding year, I had the occasion to witness what, in my perception, appeared to be a shadowy apparition traversing the thoroughfare. The incident transpired on Concession 15, in close proximity to the juncture leading to Albert Road in the environs of Inverhuron, situated beyond the confines of the Inverhuron Provincial Park. The temporal context of this event was late into the evening, approximately 10:45 PM.
As I moderated my vehicle's velocity in anticipation of executing the leftward maneuver, my vehicular headlights cast an oblique glow towards the western expanse of the road, thus illuminating both the pavement and the expanses of snow-adorned grass flanking either side of the avenue. At the threshold of negotiating the turn, a semi-translucent, charcoal-tinged shadow of considerable stature—approximately six and a half feet—abruptly darted across the roadway, tracing an ephemeral trajectory from right to left, ultimately vanishing into a parcel situated at the juncture. Subsequently obscured by an amalgamation of shrubbery and a diminutive utility structure situated within the lot, the figure evaded sustained visual contact. This ethereal figure, as previously delineated, exhibited a stature surpassing that of the conventional human form. Notably, its opacity allowed a penetrative view, reinforcing its lack of vital corporeality. Evocative of a wispy nebulousness, its motion exhibited a swiftness of considerable measure. Astonishingly, its traverse across the thoroughfare and its subsequent disappearance occurred within a markedly brief temporal span, encompassing a mere thirty feet (approximately 10 meters) of deceleration for the impending turn. Evident in the absence of overt animacy, the entity in question precluded identification as a terrestrial organism or a living entity. The perceptible distinction between an authentic sighting and a product of imagination was palpable at the time of occurrence. A momentary pause preceded my navigation of the turn, characterized by the luminescent beam of my vehicle's headlamps piercing into the vacant tract adjoining the corner. Presently, I remain uncertain whether the apparition represented the spectral remnant of a past event or a transient manifestation of spectral nature. Subsequent sightings of the aforementioned figure have not been forthcoming. It merits noting that my excursions within the precincts of Inverhuron Provincial Park have been occasionally accompanied by an overarching sense of surveillance, emanating from an enigmatic and nondescript source. This surveillance, while unaccompanied by overt malevolence, exudes an atmosphere of foreboding that appears to emanate from the depths of the sylvan hinterlands. On a recent evening, I experienced an intriguing dream that captivated my thoughts. Within this dream sequence, I found myself positioned within the confines of a courtyard, accompanied by another individual. Our collective focus drew us to a diminutive ingress embedded within the adjacent edifice. Positioned adjacent to this entranceway stood a gray heron, seemingly bespoke to the dimensions of the door.
My companion proceeded to make an observation alluding to the avian entity as a "crane," an attribution that appeared to agitate the heron. Evidencing its perturbation, the heron took a measured step backward, its beak oriented towards our presence, while its wings gracefully constricted against its body. Finding myself at variance with this classification, I ventured forth, asserting as we drew nearer, "One must duly address her by her apt nomenclature, the heron." In a moment of remarkable enchantment, I extended my left hand towards the heron, thus engendering a transformation of both beak and ocular faculties into the visage of a fair and youthful woman, albeit pallid in countenance. Strikingly reminiscent of a cinematic character, her image eluded precise recollection. Emerging from the vicinity proximal to her right wing, a plume-adorned gray and white extension underwent a metaphysical transmutation, manifesting as a white-gloved appendage characterized by its elongated digits. The gradual evolution of the hand was observable, the fingers elongating as the glove enveloped the nascent form. In response to my earlier verbalization, the heron-woman conveyed a gratified smile, subsequently extending her hand in a gesture of invitation. I reciprocated by grasping her offered hand, facilitating her descent down a solitary step situated before the portal. It was at this juncture that I was roused from my somnolent state. It is noteworthy to reference that in the realm of Greek mythology, the heron assumes the role of divine messenger, rendering any imposition of harm upon it a harbinger of ill fortune. Although my awareness of this fact remains uncertain within the context of the dream, the entity within my dream narrative exhibited an inherent cognizance of the decorous comportment to be extended towards the heron, perchance possessing an understanding of its latent capacity to metamorphose into a sylvan spirit – an amalgamation of avian and humanoid traits. Narrative from Mount Chinguacosy: A Night of Unearthly Encounters
Allow me to recount an intriguing incident that unfolded during a nocturnal visit to Mount Chinguacosy, a ski hill nestled within the confines of Bramalea, Ontario. While its modest elevation reaches a mere twenty-one meters, the ascent mirrors the experience of scaling one of Alberta's diminutive foothills. Curiously, this artificially constructed mound primarily comprises excavated basements from the neighboring residential area. This locale, I surmise, acts as a nexus for various energies, including those of a paranormal nature. Notably, it stands as the loftiest elevation within several kilometers, ensconced amidst a profusion of electrical and wireless infrastructure. I have traversed this hill on numerous occasions, particularly in the early nineties during my tenure in Brampton-Bramalea. The hilltop has hosted several seasonal meteor showers, and under clear skies, the distant CN Tower, situated thirty kilometers away in downtown Toronto, becomes discernible. Intrinsically attuned to the paranormal realm and possessing empathic faculties, my capabilities extend to channeling. When I'm at ease with an individual, my interaction with ethereal entities often involves dialogues and discernment within our shared spatial environment. Experience has molded my perception of these entities as energetic manifestations rather than conforming to conventional human or demonic forms. Over time, my cognition has adapted to comprehend them as pure energy. It was in the year 1994, however, that I encountered dark energies assuming two distinct guises: enigmatic obsidian mist and entities evoking a demonic semblance. During the aforementioned year, I embarked on a long-distance relationship. Given our financial constraints, our rendezvous typically revolved around cost-free activities. One such endeavor was a late-night excursion to the park, where we would often recline upon the asphalt of the parking lot or ascend the hill to bask in the city's luminous display. The panoramic vista—referred to affectionately as the "gold coast," an allusion to the shimmering ribbon of gold cast by the orange street lights of Mississauga—lay before us. It was on a tranquil summer evening that we ascended the hill to savor moments of solitude together. Beneath an expanse of partially clouded skies, we arrived at the summit adjacent to an aged utility shed, roughly equivalent in size to two portable restrooms. While time has ushered in transformations, including new infrastructure and signage, this particular moment remains vivid. At the time of our ascent, no paranormal sensations registered. Enveloped in each other's embrace, we indulged in tender kisses. Given her stature, a foot shorter than mine, I leaned against the shed to provide support. Upon making contact with the shed, I was suddenly inundated by a surge of adverse energy coursing through my being. Instinctively, we recoiled from the structure. Although I refrained from immediate disclosure, she candidly shared her perception of the experience. In agreement, we concurred that it was best to depart the site. Unspoken was the revelation that dawned upon me when I touched the shed. It was only after securing the safety of our vehicle that I divulged my revelation to her. Navigating the descent with haste, our objective was to disengage from the adverse energy that had gripped us moments earlier. Our brisk descent further unraveled an unsettling ambiance. While my skills had evolved to detect and deter negative energies, my acumen to discern their presence remained intact. At the time, entities exuding demonic qualities and occasionally manifesting as poltergeists materialized as tangible forms within my second sight. These entities, akin to malevolent gargoyles, were shrouded in a consuming darkness that extended beyond conventional visual perception. A substantial number of these entities crossed our path, yet my focused intent elicited a palpable retreat in each instance. Whether this deterrence was attributed to my abilities or stemmed from a directive originating within the shed's entity remains an uncertainty. Upon safely reaching the car, I conveyed my observations to her, encapsulating the events of the preceding ten minutes. The moment my back met the shed, I visualized a distinct demon enveloping the shed's interior space. This infernal entity, had it stood exterior to the structure, would have exceeded eight feet in stature. The visage conveyed menacing eyes, formidable claws, and sinuous wings. This vivid imagery serves to underscore the intense malevolence that permeated the encounter. A distinct hierarchy was perceptible—the chief entity manifested as a definitive leader, while subordinate entities paralleled our descent, their presence quelled by my concentrated intentions. My subsequent encounters with negative energies—while manifesting similar attributes—have failed to replicate the intensity or clarity embodied by this exceptionally malevolent entity. This tale merely constitutes one chapter of my ongoing engagement with malevolent forces. In the ensuing narrative, I shall recount an experience involving a thunderstorm that compelled our retreat from Forks of the Credit Park in the late nineties, thereby contributing to the chronicles of my encounters with malevolence. Paranormal Investigation Guidelines
Guidelines for YouTubers Exploring the Paranormal: Ghosts & Phenomena in Ontario Drawing from my extensive experience and countless hours of viewing paranormal content, I'd like to share a series of insights that may prove useful during your explorations. While some of these observations might resonate with you, others may not align with your perspective – and that's perfectly acceptable. This compilation is informed by my personal knowledge and experience, and I encourage you to consider it with a discerning mindset. Considerations for Utilizing Spirit Boxes for Communication: 1. **Moderation in Vocal Delivery**: It's worth noting that spirits possess hearing, as do your viewers. Consequently, shouting at the spirit box as if contending with a 1990s cellular connection is unnecessary and often counterproductive. 2. **Methodical Sweep Pace**: When employing spirit boxes, it appears that a slower, deliberate sweep through the channels in reverse garners more distinct and coherent responses compared to rapid sweeps. 3. **Device with Clear Word Output**: Devices that exclusively vocalize words without static interference should be employed judiciously. Disabling the echoing effect is recommended, as it tends to hinder comprehension and may obstruct the flow of conversation with spirits. 4. **Measured Response Time**: Extend spirits a reasonable window to respond to inquiries. It's essential to remember that you're communicating with deceased individuals. To facilitate clear communication, frame your questions concisely, avoiding overly complex queries. 5. **Spirits' Identity and Communication**: Be open to the possibility that the spirit you intend to communicate with may not be the one responding through the device. Multiple individuals may have departed in the same location. 6. **Uninterrupted Interaction**: If you've established a genuine connection with the spirit box, refrain from abruptly switching to alternate methods to maintain viewer engagement. Frequent transitions disrupt the potential for a meaningful discourse, paralleling the annoyance of repeatedly switching communication platforms during a conversation. Discerning Normalcy from Paranormal Phenomena: 1. **Critical Assessment**: Prioritize examining potential rational explanations before attributing events to paranormal sources. Instances often dismissed as abnormal sounds might derive from innocuous sources, such as buildings creaking, vehicles passing by, or environmental factors. 2. **Optical Effects**: Exercise caution when identifying orbs in videos. Certain cameras, like smartphones, can generate orb-like visuals due to optical phenomena, such as lens flares or reflections. Similarly, orbs captured by cameras with attached lights in dark settings may often be attributed to airborne particles like dust. 3. **Safety Precautions in Abandoned Sites**: While exploring abandoned locations, safeguard your health by acknowledging that black mold and asbestos dust pose greater threats than spiritual entities. Utilize masks and eye protection. Bird droppings can harbor bacteria that, if left unchecked, might lead to vision impairment. 4. **Legal and Ethical Conduct**: Emphasize that entering a location without proper authorization is strictly prohibited. Engaging in trespassing or breaking and entering is unlawful and unethical. Additionally, avoid removing any item from an abandoned site, as objects might unknowingly harbor spiritual attachments. Navigating the Demonic Realm: 1. **Cultivating Accurate Understanding**: It's essential to debunk myths perpetuated by misinformed entertainment seeking sensationalism. Symbols like the pentacle, pentagram, or inverted pentacle are not inherently demonic, and misrepresenting them reflects a lack of education rather than factual truth. 2. **Communication and Boundaries**: Demonstrating gratitude towards spirits for communication is a fundamental courtesy. Encourage them to remain at their location and refrain from accompanying you home. In cases where they express a desire to move onward, advise them to transition towards "the light." Crystals, crosses, and prayers can serve as tools, but your intentions shape their efficacy. 3. **Ouija Board Caution**: Utilize ouija boards responsibly, exercising a comprehensive understanding of their operation. This tool demands a serious approach and thorough knowledge. 4. **Dybbuk Boxes and Haunted Dolls**: Caution should be exercised with dybbuk boxes and haunted dolls, as both carry serious implications. Moreover, consider the potential impact on others in your household, who may not have willingly chosen to engage with these entities. 5. **Mirrors as Portals**: Be mindful of mirrors, as specific conditions can render them as portals. When employing ouija boards, it might be prudent to cover mirrors in the vicinity, although this is merely a suggestion. 6. **Positive Energy and Protection**: Cultivate a positive mindset, maintaining focus on love and tranquility. Negative spirits are likely to be drawn to negative energy, so fostering positivity is key. Cats, dogs, and children possess heightened sensitivity to spirits, particularly cats, which are often receptive to positive energies. Responding to Paranormal Encounters: 1. **Mindful Responses to Auditory Phenomena**: In instances of thumps or bangs, repeated inquiries about whether viewers heard the sound are redundant. Trust that your audience heard it or did not, rendering additional questioning unnecessary. 2. **Capture Validity**: Ensure that your reactions are consistently captured on camera or recording when addressing potentially eerie occurrences. Misrepresenting such occurrences as paranormal without substantiating evidence undermines the authenticity of your content. Exploring Haunting Claims: 1. **Balanced Skepticism**: Approach claims of haunted locations with a balanced degree of skepticism, even when such assertions stem from others. Maintaining an inquisitive perspective is essential during investigations. 2. **Credible Documentation over Exaggeration**: Authentic paranormal investigators, as opposed to amateurs, invest significant time experimenting and often obtain only a handful of credible responses. Prioritize presenting genuine evidence rather than sensationalizing trivial occurrences. 3. **Familiarity with Equipment**: Acquaint yourself with your investigative equipment and test it in normal conditions beforehand. If a device exhibits unusual behavior, don't hesitate to troubleshoot or restart it to determine whether mechanical or electrical issues are at play. These insights represent a comprehensive overview of various facets within the realm of paranormal exploration. As you navigate these uncharted territories, maintaining a discerning, informed, and respectful approach will undoubtedly contribute to fostering a well-rounded and enlightening dialogue on the subject. Feel free to contribute positively to this discourse through your comments. Clairvoyance refers to the ability to perceive events or phenomena in the future beyond the scope of normal sensory contact. Similarly, clairaudience involves the capacity to hear sounds purported to exist beyond ordinary experience, such as voices from beyond.
Precognition, often termed future vision or future sign, entails a claimed psychic capability to anticipate forthcoming events. Within my personal experiences, instances akin to channeling have transpired, although the phenomenon appears to be more empathetic in nature. These interactions have primarily involved individuals who were alive at the time I received messages from them. This phenomenon finds a semblance in the film "White Noise," where Jonathan Rivers, portrayed by Michael Keaton, becomes preoccupied with Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) following the tragic demise of his wife. In one scene, a traumatized spirit's plea compels John to rescue a woman involved in a car accident. He arrives in time to save her infant before a downed electrical line claims the mother's life. In her final moments, her soul beseeches for aid. In my personal encounters, connections with souls have unfolded in real-time moments, occasionally involving distress while other times offering a mere glimpse through visions. These experiences hold no particular chronological order. Recalling a news story from years past, a young male, likely pre-teen, engaged in a disagreement with his parents over video games and subsequently fled from home. In a vision, I perceived the boy in a state of cold and isolation, resting within a partially wooded area. He lay down and drifted into slumber. Following a police search, authorities located his lifeless body in the woods near his residence. The cause of death was exposure. Living in Ohio during the late 1990s, a radio report detailed 9-1-1 calls received by the police regarding a driver who had veered off the road and crashed. The driver contacted authorities, identifying himself as being north or east of the city. Despite searches in those directions yielding no results, I established a connection and conveyed to a witness that he was disoriented, and his overturned car lay south, concealed beyond trees. Subsequently, a trucker identified a damaged guardrail along the highway, leading to the discovery of the inebriated driver and his overturned vehicle in a field. The car's location had remained hidden due to its position south of the city, obscured by foliage. On another occasion, within the late 1990s or early 2000s in Ohio, an elderly man with dementia wandered from his residence near downtown Columbus. Although relatives believed he had headed west toward the downtown area, I perceived that he had journeyed east. My words to a witness turned out accurate, as he was ultimately found east of his home. My most recent occurrence veered from channeling to a pre-cognitive episode. While traversing the trails of an Owen Sound, Ontario park, a sensation originating from the surrounding hills emanated a profound sense of loneliness, marked by a "lost" sentiment. The following day's news disclosed the disappearance of a teenager within the park, with his eventual discovery attributed to his refuge in a cave to endure the night's cold temperatures. Remarkably, I sensed this feeling of despair an hour before the individual embarked on his fateful walk. The sensation enveloped me before his loss actually occurred. While similar occurrences may have unfolded in the past, this particular instance during 2019 remains indelibly etched in memory. It's worth noting that the ability to connect with souls isn't confined to humans. Once, I engaged in a brief conversation with a neighbor's Husky dog. Peering into its eyes, I detected pain and intuited that I would never encounter the dog again. True to this perception, the owner decided to have the dog euthanized a mere three days later, due to terminal health concerns. I chose not to disclose this experience to them or anyone else. Two instances stand out, bearing no conclusive proof but having witnesses present during the episodes in question. The initial occurrence took place during a late evening in Kincardine, Ontario's Hospital District, circa 2003 or 2004. Engaged in a reflective conversation with a close friend near the lakeside, I found myself receptive to paranormal messages. Shortly thereafter, I sensed the energy of a young sailor, potentially in his mid to late twenties, who had perished while engaged in duties on a cargo ship. While I surmise the vessel sank, thorough research over the years has yielded no concrete records of shipwrecks or drownings in that northern vicinity of the harbor. Another instance unfolded within the confines of an abandoned farmhouse and its grounds. Accompanied by another medium, our combined abilities seemed to attract the lingering energies. Throughout our time there, I identified three human spirits – two male and one female – as well as a fourth entity that remained enigmatic, appearing as a shadow within the dim evening light. The two male spirits, apparently brothers, exuded an aura slightly older than their sister's. Their ages could be approximated in their twenties, possibly attired in late nineteenth or early twentieth century garments, although environmental influences may have influenced my perception. The female figure boasted long hair, extending beyond her shoulders, and donned a white dress. Protective tendencies emanated from the brothers, even in our interactions. The remaining entity appeared neutral, its presence palpable yet resistant to categorization. Growing up in Small Town, Ontario, I enjoyed close friendships with two individuals, Ryan and Ben, from roughly fifth grade until high school graduation. Prior to visiting Ryan's home, I'd frequently place a call to inform him of my impending arrival. Countless times, upon lifting the phone receiver to dial, I'd hear Ryan's voice on the other end of the line, as if he'd initiated the call simultaneously. No dialing or ringing transpired; both our voices coalesced in unison, a phenomenon we grew accustomed to, with "hello" often overlapping our initial key presses. This occurrence raises intriguing questions about how phone connections are established before numbers are even dialed. Encounters with dark shadows have occurred frequently. A few instances have been covered in previous accounts: one at my friend's house in Owen Sound, another at the aforementioned farm where a psychic friend joined me, and a third involving a crossroads in Nordegg. Additional instances warrant further exploration, although they remain unexplained: In December 2019, while driving down Concession 2 towards Inverhuron, Ontario, a towering dark shadow, resembling a man but standing over seven feet tall, abruptly dashed across the road from right to left. It vanished into the yard near a switching station and trees on the corner. This was independent of my headlights, as the figure appeared to traverse through the beams of light. On various occasions, dark shadows were observed by several individuals in stores where I worked while residing in Ohio. These occurrences will be addressed in a separate future blog entry. While walking the nocturnal streets of Brampton, I've spotted shadows disconnected from tangible entities. This phenomenon commenced during my late teens in my hometown and continued through my early twenties in the city. During an episode of sleep paralysis, I encountered a white shadow, as opposed to the typical black or grey figures. Further discussion on this matter will take place in due time. In essence, the experiences shared span a range of interactions with ethereal entities, from vivid connections with living individuals in distress to encounters with shadows and echoes of past lives. These episodes shed light on the intricate and enigmatic nature of such occurrences, leaving us with more questions than answers. The categorization of souls according to their developmental stage includes four distinct phases: Young, Mature, Old, and Ancient. Furthermore, souls marked as 'Rebr,' denoting 'Reborn,' can belong to any age group.
A 'Young' soul typically possesses fewer than a couple of lifetimes of experience, seldom exceeding three and never surpassing five. The definition hinges not so much on the duration but rather on the extent of lived and learned experiences. Characteristics of 'Young' souls encompass qualities such as youthfulness, playfulness, innocence, naiveté, openness, lack of suspicion, limited awareness, susceptibility to gullibility, idealism, and worldly outlook. Such souls tend to be susceptible to substance abuse and victimization, taking things and people at face value not out of wisdom but rather owing to their lack of knowledge. Their energies can be 'read' for their freshness, marked by an aura of childlike innocence. 'Mature' souls, often referred to as the 'new old,' embody attributes of knowledge, experience, and worldly wisdom. Their 'newness' remains discernible, though their age corresponds to that of an individual in their thirties. During readings, a sense of understanding of past lives and accumulated experiences is apparent. Conversely, 'Old' souls have transcended their initial newness, wielding an advanced wisdom that belies their years. Even at a youthful physical age, their energy exudes strength and definition. A notable aspect of 'Old' souls is their tendency to revisit and repeat life lessons in a cyclical manner, akin to a continuous loop that can span generations or even centuries. Finally, the category of 'Ancient' souls denotes those who have amassed a significant array of necessary life experiences but, for various reasons, have not transcended. 'Ancient' souls can manifest in two distinct personalities: 'positive' or 'negative.' 'Ancient souls' with 'negative' inclinations are characterized by profound wisdom and intelligence. Their depth makes them challenging to discern during readings, akin to curtains with layered ripples. Often 'trapped' in a state of stagnation without true learning, they exist in a metaphorical abyss, descending deeper with the passage of each year. Their existence often embodies a sense of settling and acceptance, stemming from an emotionally and soulfully painful event in one of their past lives. This leaves them grappling with regret, resentment, and despair, often reflected in physical ailments and deficiencies. These souls can be considered the 'forefathers' or 'ancient ones,' the original souls that once inhabited the Earth and have endured for millennia, if not more. The concept of 'Reborn' souls lacks a precise definition, although Thomas Moore's articulation in 'Care of the Soul' encapsulates it aptly: "The loss of a soul – emptiness, meaninglessness, vague depression, disillusionment about marriage, family and relationships, a loss of values, a hunger for spirituality and a yearning for personal fulfillment." When combined with a shortened lifespan and instances of suicide, 'Reborn' souls emerge – those who were unprepared for reincarnation and are not entirely 'soulless' but rather 'lost souls.' In conclusion, these classifications of soul ages, as delineated by Ledicarus, offer a comprehensive framework to understand the diverse stages of spiritual evolution and the complex interplay of experiences that shape souls across lifetimes. **Supernatural Encounters: An Examination of Mysterious Occurrences in Northwest Columbus Convenience Stores**
Allow me to recount a series of intriguing narratives stemming from four distinct convenience stores nestled within the northwestern precincts of Columbus, Ohio. Spanning distinct districts - namely Linworth, Muirfield, Hard Road, and North High Street - these establishments have collectively cultivated a reputation for harboring spectral phenomena. Given the passage of more than fifteen years since my tenure in these establishments, discerning and delineating each tale within its unique context presents a formidable task. Each of these establishments carries an aura steeped in eerie whispers. One, in the district of Muirfield, is said to bear the lingering echoes of disturbed ancient natives predating the area's urbanization. Another is haunted by the ethereal presence of a maintenance worker whose mortal existence has long since concluded. The anomalies recounted, while disparate in nature, share common threads - from the audible clamor of beer bottles resting upon counters, sometimes even after hours, to unsettling incidents of items being dislodged from shelves. The saga of beer bottles, emblematic of the distinct rhythm inherent in the opening of a pack of Marlboro lights, extends to the reverberation of a case of beer bottles settling upon a counter, often a 12-pack of Bud Light. The acoustics of this specific act are such that even on a hushed day with scant foot traffic, the sound resonates across the store, a resonance further accentuated after closing hours when, at most, a solitary pair of occupants inhabit the premises. On a few occasions, I personally bore witness to this peculiar auditory phenomenon. On one instance, alongside a co-worker, I heard the resonant clink of bottles. Converging upon the sales floor, we discovered no living presence accounting for the sound. Another incident unfolded during the twilight hours at the Muirfield store, a space devoid of customers and enveloped in stillness. The shadowy forms, often termed shadow people, manifested in my peripheral vision within the confined recesses of a back hallway. This ethereal presence, fleeting yet undeniable, prompted an involuntary utterance as though conversing with a fellow worker. The inexplicable force lingered notably in select areas, where solitude was irrefutable, albeit punctuated by the sensation of a phantom companion. Three vivid episodes merit recounting. The "ghost music" episode transpired within the confines of an office, where the cadence of ventilation fans harmonized to elicit an orchestration akin to a jewelry music box. This dulcet yet enigmatic symphony, punctuated by gradually waning notes, resonated during our paperwork sessions. Remarkably, during a meeting with a new shift leader, the inexplicable symphony also greeted him, validating its existence. A subsequent incident, christened "window bang," transpired at the Linworth store. A skeptical store manager, after dismissing tales of hauntings, experienced a paradigm shift. While alone in the first aisle, she was startled by a forceful collision against the large plate glass windows lining the store's façade. A subsequent inspection unveiled an empty parking lot devoid of any incriminating presence. Lastly, an episode of personal resonance unfolded during my tenure as an assistant manager. Discontent led to an outburst involving a forcefully hurled bag of garbage. Simultaneously, a tall cardboard shelf display, despite the absence of a proximate entity, cascaded, scattering items across the floor. A semblance of deliberate retaliation suggested itself, prompting contemplation of a poltergeist-like agency. In summation, these narratives are both an exploration of the inexplicable and a testament to the capacity of human consciousness to forge links with the beyond. While the individuality of each account is undeniable, the common thread that intertwines them invites further contemplation into the enigmatic forces that seemingly traverse the realms that separate the corporeal and the otherworldly. **Exploring Anomalies at Forks of the Credit: A Personal Account**
Efforts to compose a comprehensive article detailing the myriad peculiarities and anecdotes surrounding the Forks of the Credit have regrettably been hindered by the constraints of time. In light of this, a new approach has been undertaken. The intention now is to chronicle each individual account and then to endeavor to categorize and collate them within the context of the Spirit Senses blog section. Perhaps the most fitting point of embarkation for this endeavor is to recount a personal firsthand experience, dating back to the year 1994. During that time, an excursion to the Forks of the Credit park ensued, accompanied by my then-spouse. Our mutual affinity for sylvan ambles drew us to this locale, a convenient proximity for me, dwelling in Brampton. Notably, the lack of vehicular access had previously precluded such visits. The weather on the day of our visit remained relatively clement, adorned with a smattering of clouds that bore no imminent portents. The prevailing conditions aligned with those of a conventional summer day. Our trajectory led us along one of the park's lengthier trails, potentially culminating at the railroad bridge. However, the placid atmosphere was abruptly disrupted as billowing clouds commenced their advance, heralding the advent of an unforeseen storm. The prudent course of action was thus to retrace our steps toward the vehicle positioned at the park's primary entrance. My predisposition, characterized by empathetic sensitivities, coupled with a history of paranormal encounters, enabled me to discern the gathering charge within the atmosphere. As precipitation commenced, disorientation began to shroud our surroundings. An inadvertent misdirection ensued, propelling us some distance—perhaps a kilometer or two—from our intended destination. A conspicuous dearth of navigational markers further compounded our predicament. At this juncture, the tempest, which had manifested without preamble, reached a crescendo of tumult. Thunder reverberated with a formidable resonance, while lightning traversed the heavens with electrifying fervor. The deluge, a curtain of impenetrable sheets, severely limited visibility to a mere hundred meters. Our disorientation was palpable, and our primary objective shifted to the sanctuary of the vehicle, the confines of which promised safety. Yet, visual acuity was impeded by the obstructive nature of my eyewear. Reliance upon recognizable landmarks emerged as the sole recourse to traverse the enigmatic terrain. The undulating expanse, characterized by tree-laden hills and luxuriant grasses, now stood as a realm rife with the fusion of wind, precipitation, and airborne fragments of foliage. A temporary pause facilitated an attempt to restore bearings. In this interval, the presence of antiquated telephone poles lining a rudimentary pathway arrested my attention. Acquaintance with rural Ontario upbringing led me to surmise that these poles often delineated routes of telephone and electrical infrastructure, bridging the gap between farmhouse and barns. A calculated decision propelled us along this course, as an avenue toward solidity and recognition. Perseverance along this path, though subjectively mere minutes but likely a span of a mere ten minutes, brought us in proximity to a familiar trail previously traversed within the park. Swiftly thereafter, we were restored to the security of our vehicular haven. Upon reflection, it became apparent that the storm's character bore an uncanny semblance to that of the demonic. This speculation, while inherently speculative, attains credence when juxtaposed with the broader context of phenomena reported within this region. Evidently, an antagonistic paranormal resonance seemed to underscore the storm's manifestation. Noteworthy is the temporal precision of its arrival, materializing when we stood at the furthest distance from our vehicle and increasing in ferocity with a calculated intent. The experience evoked a profound disquiet, resonating with the notion of an environment in thrall to negatively charged paranormal influences. In sum, the incident, although enigmatic and vexing, resists definitive explication. As one element within a continuum of unusual occurrences at the Forks of the Credit, the possibility of a nexus of adverse paranormal forces becomes increasingly conceivable, thereby warranting further examination. I endeavored to convey this occurrence to an individual a few weeks ago, yet their response conveyed a sense of skepticism reminiscent of someone hearing an improbable narrative. I am steadfast in my recollection of the event and am certain of its factual unfolding, supported by the presence of another individual who shared the experience with me. Even subsequent discussions with this companion months later failed to fully elucidate the incident that transpired that day.
Hence, I find myself compelled to present this account in a pragmatic and lucid manner, with the intention of rendering it comprehensible to you. In pursuit of this objective, allow me to elucidate the event's practical context before delving into the narrative itself. To facilitate clarity, I shall assign pseudonymous designations to the streets and avenues involved. Please note that these designations bear no relation to the actual toponyms, and I have chosen to withhold the actual town name to preclude unintended visitors from the locale. My motivation stems from a desire to avoid potential disparities in experience and ensuing claims of incredulity. Rest assured, the veracity of the events remains unaltered in the minds of both me and my companion, and whether they could be replicated remains uncertain and immaterial. Envision, if you will, a solitary residential street oriented in a north-south direction. For the purposes of this discourse, let us refer to this as "1st Street." The thoroughfare progresses northward for a series of blocks before culminating at a T-intersection. At this juncture, an intermission of sorts emerges in the continuity of 1st Street, encompassing a single block containing two rows of abodes, aligned in an east-west configuration. The trajectory of 1st Street resumes beyond this residential block, northward. To navigate this spatial discontinuity, an individual desiring to proceed north along 1st Street must embark on a minor deviation encompassing approximately half a block eastward on 1st Avenue. Upon reaching the junction with 2nd Street, a northward sojourn of two-house lengths on 2nd Street ensues, followed by a subsequent westward traverse along 2nd Avenue, spanning half a block, culminating in a rightward turn, towards the northward direction of 1st Street. Are you following this narrative thus far? The course necessitates a brief divergence – approximately the span of three to four residences – from the intended path, leading to an adjacent street, in order to traverse a short distance of two houses, prior to retracing one's steps westward and reconnecting with the overarching continuum of 1st Street. Conceptualize, if you will, the act of journeying northward along 1st Street until reaching a juncture at which its progression is abruptly impeded by a T-intersection. At this terminus, a dwelling stands in conspicuous presence. Consultation of a map underscores the available avenues for circumventing the residential enclave, enabling the pursuit of one's northerly trajectory on 1st Street. Ergo, we executed this course of action with precision. My associate and I were engaged in the campaign for my electoral bid, an undertaking necessitating traversing several kilometers through residential precincts, distributing informational pamphlets to prospective constituents. Our navigational route was guided by a cartographic representation provided by the local tourism authority, cataloging the entire network of residential and commercial arteries within this diminutive township. Our progress led us northward, terminating in proximity to the housing complex. Proceeding approximately two residences eastward, we intersected an orthogonal thoroughfare, designated as "2nd Street" for the purpose of this discourse. A northward amble along 2nd Street spanning two abodes was pursued, whereupon we turned to the left, onto 2nd Avenue. The anticipation was that a westward movement encompassing the expanse of two to three houses would culminate in a subsequent T-intersection. At this juncture, a rightward pivot would ensure our resumption of the northerly trajectory along 1st Street. Houses flanking our left-hand side, in conjunction with the continuation of 2nd Avenue westward, would corroborate our expectations. However, the phenomenon that ensued proved both perplexing and unexpected. Upon our westward perambulation, as we arrived at the designated junction, we found ourselves positioned at an intersection featuring four converging paths. This configuration diverged markedly from our forecasted outcome, wherein houses would have occupied the left-hand side, juxtaposed with the subsequent linearity of 1st Street. Standing within this juncture, I summoned my associate to join me in scrutinizing the map's depiction and our present location. Engaging in this assessment, we directed our attention southward, only to behold a thoroughfare unfolding in that direction, concluding at a pedestrian bridge, before continuing onward for several blocks, culminating in proximity to the origination point of our sojourn on 1st Street. Perplexity enveloped us. Considering our calculated advancement of a mere 2-3 residences eastward, succeeded by a 2-residence northerly traverse and a 2-3 residence western traversal, an ensuing T-intersection should have been the logical outcome, devoid of the possibility of a southern ward thoroughfare. The geographic disparity between the map's depiction and our tangible observation was undeniable. Although the map's vintage ranged from 5 to 10 years, the abodes comprising the enigmatic block, and specifically the dwelling positioned at the T-intersection, exhibited a history dating back 40 to 50 years. In essence, our progression northward had yielded an intersection defined by four convergent paths, whereas we should have encountered another T-intersection subsequent to our northern traversal. This incongruity between expected and actual spatial configurations prompted an intriguing inquiry. The arduousness of our excursion could scarcely have engendered disorientation, as our displacement measured less than a block on foot. Consequently, the thoroughfare we visualized when looking northward, as well as the thoroughfare apparent upon gazing southward, remained confounding enigmas. Indeed, this event constituted an anomalous occurrence. It is tempting, were I inclined toward the paranormal, to liken it to a manifestation akin to the reputed "glitches in the matrix." My personal inclination, however, gravitates towards attributing this phenomenon to an erratum on the map, exacerbated by a fleeting bout of disorientation engendered by our minimal journey. Nevertheless, the query persists: why do both my companion and I find ourselves unable to recollect the name of the town wherein this transpired? It bears noting that we elected to advance northward on 1st Street, declining to venture southward or return to the perplexing juncture at a later time. The memory of that peculiar day endures as an enigmatic relic within our collective recollections. |
AuthorStories of the paranormal, the psychological and the unexplained. I've taken the original stories and, working with ChatGPT 3.5, re-imagined them. If you commented before, thank you, your feedback is appreciated. Archives |