A long time ago, around 1987, I watched a TV series called “Codename Icarus”. I used the name “Icarus” from the title and created the word “Icarian”. I tried to form a club called “The Icarian Two Foundation”. Another project I attempted around 1988 was called “Icarian Supplies”, basically selling stationery products in my spare time. Neither project was successful.
Icarus (/ˈɪkərəs/; romanized: Íkaros, pronounced [ǐːkaros]) was the son of the master craftsman Daedalus in Greek mythology. Icarus and Daedalus attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings fashioned by Daedalus from feathers and wax. Icarus flew too close to the sun and the wings melted plunging Icarus into the sea where he drowned. The myth gave rise to the idiom "don't fly too close to the sun".
Led was a nickname I have been using since 1992. It’s first use was on the electronic bulletin board system known as “The Hot Spot BBS” based out of Toronto, Canada. A lot of people believe it stands for "Led Zeppelin” but it was intended to be LED "light emitting diode".
I was intrigued by the myth of Daedalus and Icarus, which I learned in elementary school (about 1984). I guess in part it was the fantasy that one could creatively escape their prison with imagination, albeit that Daedalus created the wings and not Icarus. The moral of the story is that nothing is gained by instant gratification, be it wealth or freedom. It has indeed taken me a long time to reach the point I am at now, particularly with my work in the paranormal.
By 2007 I came up with the name "Ledicarus Musings" for a blog (latest version called Spirit Senses is located here), though I believe I may have used the name as early as 2003. “Ledicarus” is a single word created from the joining of “Led” and “Icarus”. I hold no claim, aside from the continued use of the name as a nickname, to either “Led” or “Icarus”.
I have continued using the nickname “Ledicarus” (single word) ever since for my personal identity and a variety of websites, blogs (Ledicarus Musings, 2007-) and real-world projects (the micronation, The Territory of Ledicarus, 2012), YouTube channel (Ledicarus Live / LED1, 2012).
There are two ways to pronounce this word. Led-Icarus and Led-Ic-arus, either way is acceptable to me (listen to the audio file at the top of this description).
It is my intent that “Ledicarus” be the foundation of any named project I create now and, in the future, for example Ledicarus Media and Ledicarus Media Paranormal.
“Ledicarus” is my nickname, tradename and trademark. I had the name “ledicarus” officially trademarked in Canada in 2021 to include my work online in the field of website creation and consulting services. It could be said that it is a part of my personal identity, Kevin M. “Ledicarus” Klerks. When you intentionally (knowingly) pronounce it differently, or use childish words like 'ludicrous' you are insulting me personally.
Here is a brief audio file explaining our name.

The Name Ledicarus.mp3 |